哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

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哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]Warriorsoh_what_a_shot 99 points 2 hours ago

What a dumb dumb ending


[–]WarriorsHotChipEater 120 points 2 hours ago

I mean, both teams had a player interfere with the basket, but neither really affected the shot in any way. I have no idea what the ruling should technically be, but the spirit of the game was clearly left intact. Nobody denies that ball was going in.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–][GSW] Festus EzeliMrs-MoneyPussy 68 points 2 hours ago

It was mostly dumb because it wasn't hype anymore. There was like 5 multiple minute long reviews to end the game. Took ages. So it was a dumb way for such a crazy game to end. Though it was fitting I guess


[–]Warriorsoh_what_a_shot 30 points 2 hours ago

I honestly can't even blame the refs here. If they didn't review it, people would have screamed bloody murder, and there was enough going on there that reviewing it was probably the right call for a game winning shot.


[–]WarriorsParenegade 7 points an hour ago

I mean you can blame the refs for blowing the whistle in the first place.


[–]WarriorsHotChipEater 22 points 2 hours ago

Absolutely, not gonna lie I did kinda forget how sick the shot was, now I gotta watch it again.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]LakersApollo611 8 points 2 hours ago

4th quarter took an hour


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]Pacerstiger32kw 564 points 2 hours ago

Me to my wife: “Only 4 minutes left in the game I’ll be in bed soon…”

Holy hell NBA please it shouldn’t take this long


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[–]San Francisco WarriorsCasualrodfarva2 215 points 2 hours ago

I'm convinced that was the longest 4th quarter ever fucking played, jesus


[–][SEA] Horace GrantBeavshak 158 points 2 hours ago

That 4th quarter was longer than COVID quarantine


[–]Fidel_Chadstro 102 points 2 hours ago

It’s amazing that they managed to make a last minute Curry layup lame as hell


[–]LakersPalifaith 253 points 2 hours ago

Draymond almost done fucked up.


[–][GSW] Stephen CurryQuality_Cucumber 207 points 2 hours ago

This was certainly a full dose of Draymond game lol

勇士球迷:楼上的你这就不懂了吧!今天往你眼睛里倒的追梦牌辣眼滴剂...可是全剂量的哦 ,哈哈哈!

哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]Bullstaititans 140 points 2 hours ago

Steph is genuinely my MVP favourite right now, he has been extraordinary


[–]WarriorsHOFredditor 75 points 2 hours ago

steph is always the early mvp favorite. This is nothing new lol


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]rbrutonIII 66 points 2 hours ago

If the MVP truly just means most valuable, it's got to be Steph. At the end of the season there may be some more impactful players, some higher scoring players, you name it. But this version of the warriors relies on Steph more than any other year. And he consistently manufactures wins like it's what he was born to do.

You take him off the warriors and I don't think any competitive team would have as big of a fall off if they lost their number one....


[–]Warriorsdovahkiiiiiin 20 points 2 hours ago



[–]WarriorsMob_Abominator 6 points an hour ago

Honestly would love to see Steph & Jokic be benched for one game and see who wins.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]hartc89 35 points 2 hours ago

Warriors fan but The Thunder were insane this game even without SGA they are DANGEROUS team


[–]ThunderiCarpet 1 point 59 minutes ago

Felt like our offense this game was better than the game vs Pelicans


[–]Warriors Bandwagonzachthompson02 144 points 2 hours ago

We had an insane 143-141 win against the Hawks last year, that game went to double OT. This game was 141-139 in regulation.


[–]Warriorsgeeky_username 28 points 2 hours ago

Regardless of what you think of the game, the refs, the players ... That court is hideous


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]kbtech 4 points 2 hours ago

My eyes were hurting just watching the clip for 2 minutes. What the hell was that court 🤣


[–]Wizardsyousonuva 62 points 1 hour ago

This is probably a torture technique in some dictatorships. It's hard to focus on the game.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]WarriorsMygaffer 31 points 1 hour ago

I loved the blue.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活


[–]radahradahchowdah 36 points 57 minutes ago

I think the biggest thing is that they manage to give these games a really different feel... hopefully they manage to do it less aggressively in the future but I respect the attempt tbh


[–]NBAPlanet-Obliterator 364 points 2 hours ago

Wiggins with his vintage 17 as usual.


[–]zhangerang 165 points an hour ago

why do you think he missed both free throws in the 4th? already hit the quota


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活




哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[Buccigross] The Cavs will be able to offer LeBron James a projected max contract of 5 years, $205M this summer. All other teams can offer 4 years, $152M.


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[–]Pacersfastnfurious22 1396 指標 1 天前

whats $50 million to a motherfucka like me can you please remind me


(注:这里改变了Jay-Z和侃爷的Niggas in Paris的一句歌词”What's 50 grand to a mothafucker like me? Can you please remind me?”)

[–][TOR] Hakeem Olajuwon60-22 10.7k 指標 1 天前

He should take Cleveland's offer. He won't be able to feed his family with the other offers.


[–]WarriorsDubCity_30-23-35-11 1732 指標 1 天前




哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]Pistonscyclops274 569 指標 1 天前

Now he can't feed his family anymore since he is broke.


[–]BucksHBclone 231 指標 1 天前

You can feed him a shot on Brady Street any given day.


[–]recon033 64 指標 1 天前*

Spreewell used to keep his boat down in McKinley by my parents slip. The cars in the lot and the girls walking by were a show. Annnnnd it's gone


[–]HawksFuckYouMartinShkreli 154 指標 1 天前

holy shit sprewell is legitimately broke. net worth of 50K in 2016 after 100M in earnings? can someone explain how that happens? i'm genuinely curious how this guy doesn't have at least 5M somewhere.


[–]GT_86 807 指標 1 天前

His name is spreewell, not savewell



[–]SirSnugglybear 136 指標 1 天前*

I used to work at a grocery store he frequented a lot. He would come in and purchase 20k+ in alcohol and seafood/meat all the time for parties.


[–]Mr_Cleveland 325 指標 1 天前

When you have children as far west as San Francisco, as far north as Toronto, as far east as New York, and as far south as Miami you tend to spend a lot


— — — — — — — — — —

[–]Heatwell_bang_okay 195 指標 1 天前

Only children he has in Miami are both named Larry O'Brien



[–]Trail BlazersPhob24 81 指標 1 天前

How many kids does he have?


[–][CHI] Joakim Noahfrench_prince 766 指標 1 天前

Bron, Bryce, Zhuri, & Jeff Teague



[–]NBAPP_Coke 109 指標 1 天前

We are all LeBron's children.


[–][PHI] Allen IversonKingPZe 431 指標 1 天前

Even with the max, he can just afford the bare essentials like caviar and pule cheese.


哔哩哔哩:hawks球队现状 键盘侠🤔令库里绝杀失色?美网友:比赛收尾太蠢影响夫妻生活

[–]Warriorscharlie1202 243 指標 1 天前

what the hell is pule cheese?


[–]Timberwolveswhythehellknot 930 指標 1 天前

And I thought LeBron was poor...


[–][MIA] Hassan WhitesideBigShotBosh 561 指標 1 天前

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


[–]Warriorscharlie1202 238 指標 1 天前

can I put it in the microwave and make nachos?


[–][PHI] Allen IversonKingPZe 88 指標 1 天前

very expensive cheese, costs over $500 a pound


[–]t_mac1 104 指標 1 天前

can't afford to paid for premium spotify bro. life is hard.


[–]Suns TankwagonArtisun 41 指標 1 天前

Enjoy the next thirty minutes of ad-free music!


— — — — — — — — — —

[–][TOR] OG AnunobyRossTheBossPalmer 4028 指標 1 天前

He has a billion dollar shoe contract. Can't see him making his decision this summer based upon max money. The decision will be driven by his legacy.


[–]Bulls Tankwagonultralightdick 2293 指標 1 天前

Still can't comprehend that he gets $1,000,000,000 from a shoe company


[–]NetsLanaRhoades- 1917 指標 1 天前

Jordan gets 100m a year even after retiring which is crazy


[–]Wizardsfabosexy 1478 指標 1 天前

jordan brand had 3+ bill in sales last year. Jordan has the most lucrative incentive package in The industry about 5% of gross or net if I can recall.

Jordan brand去年卖出了30亿美元的销量,Jordan现在是最奢侈的品牌了吧。如果我没记错的话,他们会给5%的利润分成给乔丹,具体数额我记不清了。

[–][TOR] OG AnunobyRossTheBossPalmer 1065 指標 1 天前

With that kind of money, he could afford a fly ass pair of Jordans!


[–][MIN] Zach LaVine573V317 423 指標 1 天前

With that kind of money, he could afford a fly ass pair of Jordans Yeezys!


[–]RaptorsVeryCanadian 671 指標 1 天前

With that kind of money, he can almost afford Lonzo's shoe.


[–]Timberwolvesfunkmasterflexknight 679 指標 1 天前

If I have to explain that means you’re a small baller.


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[–]Number90IsNumber1 214 指標 1 天前

Imagine being a billionaire because you were good at a sport. That's crazy. Even though he is the GOAT, that is still crazy. Billionaire because of sports... Good for him, man, deserved.


[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantuntraiined 106 指標 1 天前

I feel like most people are billionaires if they are the goat at something


[–]skepticaljesus 193 指標 1 天前

Not everything


[–]ThunderIncaseAce 420 指標 1 天前

You’re right but he’s also not accepting anything less than a max.


[–]dabking24 325 指標 1 天前

Yeah because he's never taken a pay cut to be on a team with other superstars who have a better chance at winning...


[–]Cavalierstwokings13 520 指標 1 天前

I believe he has stated since then that he won't take another pay cut since it hurts other players negotiating in free agency.


[–]NBAMaddinOrLynch 325 指標 1 天前

He also doesn't really have a problem changing his mind either though


[–]Oziemasterss 65 指標 1 天前

He's stated he will take a pay cut to play with Chris Paul. "At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP—we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that…It would be pretty cool. I’ve definitely had thoughts about it. We’ll see."


[–]Thunderguyinokc 57 指標 1 天前

That team wouldn't win a chip.

Unless it had Harden and Melo and DWade played minimal minutes.


[–]2heads1shaft 43 指標 1 天前

He said he wants to be a billionaire. He has maybe 5 years left before retirement. After taxes, he won’t be close to be a billionaire. After that he will have to rely on his finances to take him there which is probably eventually will.

But he also wants to own a team and something tells me he doesn’t want more than a couple people on his team. So he kind of has to take as much money as he can.



[–][MIA] Hassan WhitesideBigShotBosh 44 指標 1 天前

He has been pretty open about wanting to be a billionaire and owning a team. Fuck a legacy when you can have Bs in the bank


— — — — — — — — — —

[–]76ersKingK5E 1854 指標 1 天前

He’s probably only taking one year contracts (with a player option) from now on until he can get the CP3 old guy contract


[–][SAS] Matt Bonnerbb1432 836 指標 1 天前

LeBron is older than CP3.


[–]OfStarStuff 1086 指標 1 天前

Yeah, but dont Saiyans age differently than humans?


[–]GrizzliesZooga_Boy 310 指標 1 天前

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z


[–]Knicksnocendi 532 指標 1 天前

He's turning 34 next season. This is his old guy contract.


[–]Cavaliersmaniacalxmatt 341 指標 1 天前

LeBron is playing until he’s 60, didn’t you know?


[–]Knicksnocendi 147 指標 1 天前

He'll retire with his son.


[–]NBAHelloTittie 116 指標 1 天前

He will wear his son's retired jersey in Cleveland


[–]Knicksnocendi 123 指標 1 天前

"I can't believe I raised a quitter" - LeBron at his son's Hall of Fame ceremony.


— — — — — — — — — —

[–]WarriorsDubCity_30-23-35-11 279 指標 1 天前

I think cp3 is gonna take a kyle lowry kinda deal


–]WildYams 10 指標 1 天前

Lowry took that cause he had no other choice, it won't be the same with CP3. CP3 might want to take a discount like that, but he certainly won't have to.


[–]Buckschemthethriller 67 指標 1 天前

Not a smart move long term. Maybe 2 or 3 years of 1 year deals at most, but sooner or later he will breakdown and you hope as a player that year is like year two of your monster deal, rather than breaking down and having no deal in place, and hoping teams just sign you for the name, knowing you'll never play significant minutes again.


[–]ThePhoenixJ 154 指標 1 天前

A counterpoint is that at Lebron's level of wealth combined with his desire to be considered GOAT, there's a good chance he cares more about being able to choose which team he's on than he cares about the dollar amount.


[–][ATL] Josh MagetteOlafdePolaf 1620 指標 1 天前

He's not taking a four or five year deal lol


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesmkz419 900 指標 1 天前

and he shouldn't tbh - why wouldn't he want to give himself maximum flexibility? don't forget that dan gilbert is the same owner that for the first 7-8 years of lebron's career surrounded him with trash players and still expected him to stay loyal


[–][CLE] Shawn KempAlphasim 281 指標 1 天前

My thought on this has long been, if he does take a huge multiyear deal it could be a sign that he feels time creeping up on him. If he somehow felt like he had two or three years of excellence left, that would be the time to take the 4 or 5 year max deal and coast to the end.

Of course, I'm usually a bad prognosticator, so I'm probably wrong.



[–]KnicksRiceOnTheRun 154 指標 1 天前

Even if time is creeping up on him, there's no need for him to sign a multiyear deal.

Players do that for long term stability. With Lebron's finances, I bet the flexibility is far more beneficial to him.

If anything I think Lebron continues the 2-year deals with player options throughout the rest of his career.




[–][OKC] Chucky AtkinsSPAGHETTI_CAKE 665 指標 1 天前

I doubt he takes anything other than 1+1 regardless


[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 174 指標 1 天前

He's getting to that point where it might be smart to go with a long term deal


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesmkz419 480 指標 1 天前

he shouldn't tbh. dan gilbert isn't an owner i would dedicate 5 years of my life to that blindly.


[–]MisterHibachi 348 指標 1 天前

He's not giving the Cavs 5 years guaranteed years lol, he doesn't trust them that much. If he stays with the Cavs, I would bet on him signing a 3 year contract at the most with a 2nd year option.


[–]Raptorsslamdunk23 253 指標 1 天前

If a team gives him a much better shot at another ring, a couple million a year is not going to matter to him


[–]dadankness 88 指標 1 天前

50 million


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[–]Celticsthekingamw 1529 指標 1 天前

I love my parents whole heartedly.

But seeing these huge NBA contracts, im mad at my father for marrying a short woman.



[–][SAS] Danny Greendiffeqmaster 680 指標 1 天前

My dad tried his best, my mom is 6'2". But I came out 5'9" and my brother got the height (6'6") but also the heart problems and scoliosis so neither of us can ball out.

But I can't blame my dad for not trying.



[–]CavaliersMacros222 796 指標 1 天前

Mate, you were a huge baby, that's nothing to be ashamed of


[–]Knicksvitey15 156 指標 1 天前

His poor mother


[–]Knicks Tankswagonkikikza 152 指標 1 天前

I got a foot on both my parents, I think it goes a bit further back genetically than the parents


[–]Mtlsandman 397 指標 1 天前

Or maybe your mom fucked a giant and didn’t tell anyone


[–]Knicks Tankswagonkikikza 113 指標 1 天前

a good theory, but I look exactly like my dad

Maybe somewhere my pops has a 7 foot doppelganger, which combined with my just-under 5 foot mom made me at 6 ft





